Paper by Teresa Pereira e Teresa Freire published in the journal Frontiers in Psychology. The purpose of this systematic review is to emphasize that a developmental perspective is fundamental within the interdisciplinary studies concerning climate change. Specifically, this research was focused on how the Positive Youth Development framework may inform future approaches to promote adolescents' and young adults' well-being and engagement in the context of climate change.
Master thesis of Marta Neves, member of the research team Positive Development and Optimal Functioning, which is an important contribution to this project. The study aims to explore the psychometric properties and construct validity of the Ecological Identity Scale (Walton & Jones, 2017) in a Portuguese sample of 526 individuals aged between 16 and 25 years old. This instrument is a succinct assessment measure of to what extent self and group ecological identity influence the likelihood of an individual to take (or not take) efforts to minimize the impact, they and others have on the environment.
Paper by Teresa Pereira, Teresa Freire, and Dionísia Tavares, published in the European Journal of Developmental Psychology. This paper aims at validating the Climate Change Attitude Survey (Christensen & Knezek, 2015), among a sample of Portuguese adolescents and young adults, testing its relation with a scale of positive youth development.
Communications in Scientific Conferences
Pereira, T., Freire, T. & Faria. S. (2023, setembro 1*). Positive Youth Development in the Context of Climate Change: Insights from the Role of Affect in Daily Life Experience * [Comunicação em Conferência]. Invest Research Flagship & European Association of Developmental Psychology 2023 European Conference on Developmental Psychology, Turku, Finland
Pereira, T. & Freire, T. (2022, abril 22*). Positive Youth Development in the Context of Climate Change: A Systematic Review * [Comunicação em Conferência]. University of Bergen 2022 1st Conference on Positive Youth Development, online
Pereira, T. & Freire, T. (2022, fevereiro 4*). Desenvolvimento Positivo de Jovens no Contexto das Alterações Climáticas * [Apresentação de Poster]. Faculdade de Psicologia e Ciências da Educação da Universidade do Porto 2022 1ª Convenção de Psicologia UNorte | Simpósio Doutoral, Porto, Portugal
Science Communication
- Podcast 90 Segundos Ciência da Antena 1 - December 2023
- TV Interview - CNN Portugal - December 2023